Protective actions in case of emergencies with potential radiological consequences for population

Protective actions in case of emergencies with potential radiological consequences for population

The protective actions for population and environment in case of nuclear or radiological emergency are predefined in the emergency plans for disaster protection on municipal, regional and national level. In case of emergency with potential radiological consequences for population and environment, the protective actions are implemented taking into account the prognostic assessments for potential radioactive releases and the data available from measurements performed.The basic protective actions for population in case of emergency are:

  • sheltering;
  • odine thyroid blocking;

Depending on the current situation, the following additional measures are also implemented:

  • restriction and access control in the areas, affected by the emergency;
  • use of means for protection preventing the inhalation of radioactive substances;
  • decontamination of people, premises, buildings and areas, contaminated with radioactive substances;
  • consumption restrictions of certain food products (fresh fruits and vegetables from emergency’s vicinity, water from open water-sources, unprocessed unpacked milk from grazing animals, unpacked food products, etc.);
  • road, air, and river/sea traffic restrictions;
  • medical screening and follow-up;
  • temporary or permanent relocation.

The protective actions for population and environment are implemented taking into account the criteria defined in the Regulation on Emergency Planning and Emergency Preparedness in case of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies, the Regulation on Radiation Protection and Regulation No. 28 of Ministry of Health.Implementation of protective actions is carried out upon order from the National Headquarters.In case of nuclear or radiological emergency, the following generic instructions are delivered towards the population in order the specified protective actions to be effectively implemented:

  • remain calm and do not undertake panic actions, because the competent authorities are able to and will undertake all necessary actions to protect you.

  • turn on your TV and/or radio receivers for follow-up information (the Bulgarian National Television and the Bulgarian National Radio).

  • strictly follow the instructions on radiation protection actions.

  • do not administer iodine thyroid blocking (taking tablets of potassium iodide) without an order. Arbitrarily ingestion of iodine in any form could be harmful to your health.

  • do not undertake evacuation without an order. Arbitrarily and unorganized leaving of the affected area not taking into account the direction of radioactive spread, poses a risk to your health.

 Strictly follow the instructions of competent authorities for using food products until the emergency’s consequences are fully liquidated.

Protective actions in case of emergencies with potential radiological consequences for population

The protective actions for population and environment in case of nuclear or radiological emergency are predefined in the emergency plans for disaster protection on municipal, regional and national level. In case of emergency with potential radiological consequences for population and environment, the protective actions are implemented taking into account the prognostic assessments for potential radioactive releases and the data available from measurements performed.The basic protective actions for population in case of emergency are:

  • sheltering;
  • iodine thyroid blocking;

Depending on the current situation, the following additional measures are also implemented:

  • restriction and access control in the areas, affected by the emergency;
  • use of means for protection preventing the inhalation of radioactive substances;
  • decontamination of people, premises, buildings and areas, contaminated with radioactive substances;
  • consumption restrictions of certain food products (fresh fruits and vegetables from emergency’s vicinity, water from open water-sources, unprocessed unpacked milk from grazing animals, unpacked food products, etc.);
  • road, air, and river/sea traffic restrictions;
  • medical screening and follow-up;
  • temporary or permanent relocation.

The protective actions for population and environment are implemented taking into account the criteria defined in the Regulation on Emergency Planning and Emergency Preparedness in case of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies, the Regulation on Radiation Protection and Regulation No. 28 of Ministry of Health.Implementation of protective actions is carried out upon order from the National Headquarters.In case of nuclear or radiological emergency, the following generic instructions are delivered towards the population in order the specified protective actions to be effectively implemented:

  • remain calm and do not undertake panic actions, because the competent authorities are able to and will undertake all necessary actions to protect you.
  • turn on your TV and/or radio receivers for follow-up information (the Bulgarian National Television and the Bulgarian National Radio).
  • strictly follow the instructions on radiation protection actions.
  • do not administer iodine thyroid blocking (taking tablets of potassium iodide) without an order. Arbitrarily ingestion of iodine in any form could be harmful to your health.
  • do not undertake evacuation without an order. Arbitrarily and unorganized leaving of the affected area not taking into account the direction of radioactive spread, poses a risk to your health.

 Strictly follow the instructions of competent authorities for using food products until the emergency’s consequences are fully liquidated.

Protective actions in case of emergencies with potential radiological consequences for population

The protective actions for population and environment in case of nuclear or radiological emergency are predefined in the emergency plans for disaster protection on municipal, regional and national level. In case of emergency with potential radiological consequences for population and environment, the protective actions are implemented taking into account the prognostic assessments for potential radioactive releases and the data available from measurements performed.The basic protective actions for population in case of emergency are:

  • sheltering;
  • iodine thyroid blocking;

Depending on the current situation, the following additional measures are also implemented:

  • restriction and access control in the areas, affected by the emergency;
  • use of means for protection preventing the inhalation of radioactive substances;
  • decontamination of people, premises, buildings and areas, contaminated with radioactive substances;
  • consumption restrictions of certain food products (fresh fruits and vegetables from emergency’s vicinity, water from open water-sources, unprocessed unpacked milk from grazing animals, unpacked food products, etc.);
  • road, air, and river/sea traffic restrictions;
  • medical screening and follow-up;
  • temporary or permanent relocation.

The protective actions for population and environment are implemented taking into account the criteria defined in the Regulation on Emergency Planning and Emergency Preparedness in case of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies, the Regulation on Radiation Protection and Regulation No. 28 of Ministry of Health.Implementation of protective actions is carried out upon order from the National Headquarters.In case of nuclear or radiological emergency, the following generic instructions are delivered towards the population in order the specified protective actions to be effectively implemented:

  • remain calm and do not undertake panic actions, because the competent authorities are able to and will undertake all necessary actions to protect you.
  • turn on your TV and/or radio receivers for follow-up information (the Bulgarian National Television and the Bulgarian National Radio).
  • strictly follow the instructions on radiation protection actions.
  • do not administer iodine thyroid blocking (taking tablets of potassium iodide) without an order. Arbitrarily ingestion of iodine in any form could be harmful to your health.
  • do not undertake evacuation without an order. Arbitrarily and unorganized leaving of the affected area not taking into account the direction of radioactive spread, poses a risk to your health.

 Strictly follow the instructions of competent authorities for using food products until the emergency’s consequences are fully liquidated.