Functions of BNRA in case of nuclear or radiological emergency

Functions of BNRA in case of nuclear or radiological emergency

The Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency is part of the Unified Rescue System in Republic of Bulgaria. In case of nuclear or radiological emergency, the Chairman of BNRA participates in the National Headquarters (NH).

Experts from BNRA participate in the interinstitutional expert group and the interinstitutional information group whose purpose is to assist the NH’s activities.In BNRA, an Emergency team is maintained to assists the agency’s Chairman by performing analyses and prognoses for emergency’s future evolvement, preparing of justified proposals for implementation of protective actions for population, notification and information exchange with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the European Commission (EC), as well as cooperation, if necessary, in the process of requesting/offering international assistance.

Maintaining emergency preparednessConducting of periodic exercises and drills on interinstitutional, national and international level is a key factor for maintaining an adequate emergency preparedness.

Each year, the Emergency team of BNRA participates in exercises and drills for maintaining preparedness to respond in case of emergency. On affirmed schedules, interinstitutional exercises are conducted with Kozloduy NPP and State Enterprise “Radioactive Waste”, as well as international exercises with IAEA and EC.

In addition, the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency organizes and conducts exercises for testing in practice of different aspects related to the Emergency team’s activities. Internal rules are in place for organizing and conducting specialized training for members of the Emergency team.