Emergency planning

Emergency planning

The emergency planning is establishing a system of protective actions to be implemented in case of nuclear or radiological emergency. The main goal is protection of personnel, population and environment from the harmful impact of ionizing radiation.

The general rules for planning and implementation of protection in case of nuclear or radiological emergency in Republic of Bulgaria are established in the Disaster Protection Act (DPA), the Act on the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy (ASUNE), the Regulation on Emergency Planning and Emergency Preparedness in case of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies, the Regulation on Radiation Protection and Ministry of Health’s Regulation No. 28 on the conditions and arrangements for medical provision and health norms for protection of people in case of radiological emergency.

The Disaster Protection Act contains the requirements for developing emergency plans for disaster protection on national, regional and municipal level. These plans shall include a part regarding nuclear and radiological emergency. In the emergency plans for disaster protection, actions for protecting the population and environment shall be defined, as well as the necessary actions of those institutions, which are part of the Unified Rescue System in Republic of Bulgaria.For nuclear facilities, sites and activities with sources of ionizing radiation, the Regulation on Emergency Planning and Emergency Preparedness in case of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies establishes the requirements for developing on-site emergency plans, which define the protective actions for personnel and actions intended to mitigate the consequences of an emergency.

The emergency plans at all levels are developed taking into account their mutual correlations, as the goal is to achieve a unified and coordinated action mechanism guaranteeing effective protection.