Kozloduy NPP

“Kozloduy NPP” Plc. is the biggest power generation enterprise in Republic of Bulgaria. The nuclear power plant is a publicly listed company with 100% state participation, subsidiary of “Bulgarian Energy Holding” Plc. and is a license holder within the meaning of the Nuclear Safety Convention.

Six power units are built on-site, equipped with pressurized water reactors – WWER. The first four units are decommissioned. Currently two 1000 MW units (Unit 5 and 6) are in operation on-site, which provide more than one third of the electric power, produced yearly in the country.

Unit 5

Reactor type: WWER-1000 model B-320 with three independent channels of the safety systems.

Commissioning date: November 1987

License for operation: Series “E”, No. 5303/03.11.2017, in force since 06.11.2017 with validity period of 10 years. Scope – operation of the unit in accordance with the terms of the license issued.

Current status: Operation within 31st fuel campaign.

Unit 6

Reactor type: WWER-1000 model B-320 with three independent channels of the safety systems.

Commissioning date: August 1991

License for operation: Series “E”, No. 5535/27.09.2019, in force since 03.10.2019 with validity period of 10 years. Scope – operation of the unit in accordance with the terms of the license issued.

Current status: Operation within 29th fuel campaign.

Spent Fuel Storage Facility

Commissioning date: 1990

License for operation: Series “E”, No. 6200/20.06.2024 is not period-limited. Scope – handling and storage of the spent nuclear fuel from Kozloduy NPP’s units, in accordance with the requirements of the license issued.

Current status: In SFSF spent nuclear fuel from the WWER-440 and WWER-1000 units is stored. The filling degree of SFSF enables the normal operation of Kozloduy NPP’s units.

Dry Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facility

Storage technology: a system with the use of type CONSTOR 440/84 containers with air cooling via natural convection. Capacity of the containers – 84 fuel assemblies.

Commissioning date: 2016

License for operation: Series “E”, No. 5016/28.01.2016 with validity period of 10 years. Scope – handling and storage of spent nuclear fuel from WWER-440 reactors of Kozloduy NPP with the use of “dry storage” technology, in accordance with the requirements of the license issued.

Current status: In the storage 19 CONSTOR 440/84 containers with spent nuclear fuel from the units with WWER-440 reactors are stored.