State Enterprise „Radioactive Wastes“ (SERAW)

Specialized Division “PRRAO – Novi Han”

The facility is intended for storage of low and intermediate level radioactive waste generated in the country from industry, medicine, agriculture and research (institutional RAW).

CommissioningIt has been in operation since 1964 as part of the INRNE of BAS, and since 2006 it has been part of the State Enterprise “Radioactive Waste”.

Оperating license:Series “E”, № 5501 / 12.07.2019, valid until 31.12.2025.

Работници с лабораторни престилки и каски преминават през индустриален обект, оборудван с техника; фонът включва дървета.

Current condition Operation of the facility according to the terms of the license:For radioactive waste (RAW) category 1 and category 2a according to the categorization, established by the Regulation for safety management of RAW, generated outside Kozloduy NPP.Transport, treatment and storage of RAW.Storage of sources of ionizing radiation with unknown owner, including orphan sources.

 Specialized Division “RAW – Kozloduy”

Commissioning: 1996 as part of Kozloduy NPP, and since 2005 is part of the State Enterprise “Radioactive Waste”. The facility processes and stores radioactive waste of category 2a.

Operating license: Series “E”, № 4805 / 28.04.2015, valid until 29.04.2025. Scope – safety management of radioactive waste (RAW) generated by Kozloduy NPP.

Current status: Processing, conditioning and storage of the radioactive waste, generated by the Kozloduy NPP operation. Solid low and intermediate level short-lived RAW and cubic residue (CA) are accepted in the facilities of the unit, which are processed in order to bring them into a form ensuring their safe storage and subsequent disposal.

Индустриални машини с жълти резервоари за съхранение, червени контролни кутии и панели за управление в заводска обстановка.
Големи цилиндрични метални контейнери с предупредителни знаци за радиоактивност, разположени зад телена ограда и заобиколени от дървета.
Роботизирано рамо в лаборатория манипулира червен обект върху метална повърхност под флуоресцентно осветление.
Лице в защитен костюм работи с материали в лабораторна защитена зона.
Представена е контролна зала с монитори, показващи промишлено оборудване и метални части, като под тях има панел с бутони и превключватели.

National Repository for Radioactive Waste

The facility is intended for disposal of the generated in the country conditioned short-lived low- and intermediate level RAW from nuclear facilities and nuclear applications. The storage is envisaged to be a surface multi-barrier engineering facility, modular type. 

Authorization:Permit for construction of a nuclear facility № ST 4296 / 05.05.2017 with a validity period of 05.05.2024.

Current condition: Construction activities are performed in accordance with the terms of the permit.

Decommissioning of Units 1-4 of Kozloduy NPP

First unit Reactor type: WWER-440, model B-230.

Commissioning: October 1974

Final shut down: By decision of the Council of Ministers, shut down on 31.12.2002.

License for decommissioning: Series “IE”, № 4650 / 14.11.2014, valid until 14.11.2024.

Scope – Structures, systems and components of the nuclear facility and the site of the nuclear facility.

Permitted main activities – decontamination and dismantling of structures, systems and components, management of materials and radioactive waste from decommissioning.

Интериор на индустриално съоръжение с големи машини, тръби и кран. Наличен персонал в сини униформи.
Голям индустриален компонент се транспортира на платформа в строителен обект. Присъствие на работници в близост.

Second unit Reactor type: WWER-440, model B-230.

Commissioning: November 1975

Final shut down: By decision of the Council of Ministers, shut down on 31.12.2002.

License for decommissioning: Series “IE”, № 4651 / 14.11.2014, valid until 14.11.2024.

Scope – Structures, systems and components of the nuclear facility and the site of the nuclear facility.

Permitted main activities – decontamination and dismantling of structures, systems and components, management of materials and radioactive waste from decommissioning.

Работници с предпазно оборудване в промишлено съоръжение с тежка техника и оборудване, обозначено като ВВЕР-440.

Third unit Reactor type: WWER-440, advanced model B-230.

Commissioning: December 1980

Final shut down: By decision of the Council of Ministers, shut down on 31.12.2006.

License for decommissioning: Series “HE”, № 5099 / 28.07.2016, valid until 28.07.2026.

Scope – Structures, systems and components of the nuclear facility and the site of the nuclear facility.

Permitted main activities – decontamination and dismantling of structures, systems and components, management of materials and radioactive waste from decommissioning.

Работници в завод с големи индустриални машини и контролен панел на преден план.
Лице в синьо облекло използва жълто устройство на ръждясало индустриално оборудване.

Fourth unit Reactor type: WWER-440, advanced model B-230.

Commissioning: July 1982

Final shut down: By decision of the Council of Ministers, shut down on 31.12.2006.

License for decommissioning: Series “HE”, № 5100 / 28.07.2016, valid until 28.07.2026.

Scope – Structures, systems and components of the nuclear facility and the site of the nuclear facility.

Permitted main activities – decontamination and dismantling of structures, systems and components, management of materials and radioactive waste from decommissioning.

Индустриално оборудване в зелено помещение: метален варел на платформа, контролна кабина в близост.

Plasma melting Facility

It is intended for high-temperature processing and conditioning of low- and intermediate-level short-lived solid RAW. The main specific feature of the project is the high degree of reduction of the initial volume of treated RAW.

Authorization Permission for commissioning:ST 5117/ 18.05.2020 with a validity period until 17.05.2022.

Current conditionTests are performed to confirm the design characteristics.