Gamma background Bulletin

Gamma background Bulletin

In Republic of Bulgaria, a continuous gamma-background monitoring is performed by 5 institutions:

  • Executive Environment Agency within the Ministry of Environment and Water maintains the National Automatic Monitoring System for Radiation Gamma Background (BULRaMo system);
  • In the National Center for Radiobiology and Radiation Protection within the Ministry of Health, gamma-background monitoring is performed on one station;
  • General Directorate “Fire Safety and Civil Protection” receives data from gamma-background measurements from 335 stations located in municipal administrations and from 28 stations located in regional administrations;
  • Kozloduy NPP measures the gamma-background through the Automated Information System for External Radiation Control (AISERC), which is united with the BULRaMo system, and through the Automated Information System for Radiation Monitoring (AISRM) “Katrin”;
  • Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE) within the Bulgarian Academy of Science performs measurements on Musala peak and on seven stations, located on the institute’s territory and the research reactor.

The results from the measurements are summarized in the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency. The data from the past 24 hours shows that the gamma-background values in Republic of Bulgaria are within the limits of the natural variations of this indicator. The natural gamma-background for the territory of Republic of Bulgaria varies between 0,06 and 0,40 µSv/h.

Extract of the gamma-background mean values for the past 24 hours


Automated Information System for Radiation Monitoring (AISRM) “Katrin”

The Automated Information System for Radiation Monitoring (AISRM) “Katrin” gives real-time information on the gamma-background. Building of “Katrin” system began in 2009 in implementation of provisions stated in Art. 15 of the Regulation on terms and conditions for determining special statute zones around nuclear facilities and sites with sources of ionizing radiation.

Currently the system is consisted of 38 local monitoring stations (LMS) within the country’s territory.

Radiation gamma-background data from “Katrin” system (µSv/h) within the 30 km emergency planning zone of Kozloduy NPP for the past 24 hours

Карта на регион с обозначени градове, реки и граници между България и Румъния; акцент върху Козлодуй.

Radiation gamma-background data from “Katrin” system (µSv/h) within Sofia’s territory for the past 24 hours
